Ciao, Enzo Mari

Ciao, Enzo Mari

We lost a great one this week. Enzo Mari will be remembered as one of the most inventive and uncompromising designers of his time. Over his 60 year career he really stood apart from any particular movement. Enzo was an absolute original. 

His collection of works are too numerous to go into any real detail here. But I remember a show from 2010 I'd like to share. During his long career, Enzo collected paper weights. As a project came to a close or he visited a factory, he would grab a small token and save it. After 60 years it's an intriguing miniature sculpture garden and well worth a look. Watch this subtitled video of the man himself.

The book, “The Intellectual Work: Sixty Paperweights,” is also the name of the exhibit held at Kaleidoscope Project Space (Milan) in April 2010. 



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